Friday, January 16, 2015

Making a "Day Off"

 11 pm...The house is quiet. Both kids sleeping, TV is off and all there is to here is the sound of my washer and dryer running and the sound of dishes stacking..
  Oh, you mean you don't clean the house and get things ready for the next day while the kids sleep when you want a "day off"? ;)
 I don't do this all the time but I love it when I have an extra spark of motivation to do so. 
 As I'm going over the mundane motions of washing dishes I know so well, I have a feeling of Deja vu. "When is the last time I washed the dishes at 11pm?"

"Oh Wait. Homeschool. "
 When I was a kid, we had a certain amount of school work that needed to be done each day. On my easier days, I would finish my school work early. I then had two choices: I could 1. have the rest of the day to play, or 2. start the next days work so I could have and entire day to play. I usually chose to do the extra work and have a day off.
 Of course when I would wake up late and stride into the kitchen with pride on my "day off" my siblings would just assume my mom was favoring me and let me have the day off. Little did they know I was in my room working hard while they played the day before. Boy, did I soak it up! I always offered to show them how my hard work had paid off... "See, you just do MORE work today and then have a WHOLE day to play tomorrow". Apparently, I was not good at selling more work.
 Anyhow. I'm looking forward to my "Day Off" tomorrow.
If you see me meandering through the house with a large coffee in hand, I'm not lazy, I was just extra productive yesterday.      ;)

Is this something most moms do? Or am I a crazy person? Or maybe I just gave you an awesome idea and you're running to wash the dishes now for a day off tomorrow? ;)

Happy Saturday! :)


  1. I hardly ever can stay awake long enough after the little ones to do anything!But its an idea.I know the duggar mom of 19 says they put the little ones to bed then their work starts around 11 pm when they can really get something done!

    1. I don't have the energy to do anything extra every day. That's for sure. But when I do, I take advantage of it. Most days, I'm whooped by the time the kids are in bed and end up either going to bed myself.:)


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