Monday, October 1, 2012

The Chicks Are Here!(:

Ahhh! The anticipation is over! I've turned the eggs twice every day, monitored the temperature at a steady 100 degrees, kept a water dish filled for moisture and just been plain thrilled to watch this proccess! A few days ago I put an egg to my ear and was so excited to hear a "cheep cheep" from the inside. Our chicks are hatching as we speak. (:

A few days ago (21 days to be exact) we started up an incubator and have slowly been filling it up. We've been gathering fertile eggs from family for weeks now and are finally seeing success.
It's hard to believe these eggs develope a little chick inside in just 21 days!

We decided to incubate eggs so we'll have a new flock of laying hens ready by next spring. There are coco marans, barred rock, silkies, americaunas and more in the incubator. I'm hoping they ALL hatch! It's so much fun to gather eggs of different color and size from a coop. I just can't wait to cook up a miniature egg. (: My Mom used to boil miniature chicken eggs for me when I was a kid and I can't wait to do the same for my Lilly Mae!

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