I've had a couple requests for a worm bin setup tutorial. So, here it is! I had a hard time finding detailed tutorials online when I was reading up on materials and such that are needed. Hopefully this will help others in the same boat as me. (:
My worm bin is a Can O Worms brand bin that i bought second hand very cheap. You can use any bin. Store bought or homemade it doesn't really matter, they all have generally the same concept.
With the can o worms bin, the very bottom tray where the spigot comes out is for any liquid that may collect to go.
Insert 1 tray and line the bottom with a layer of newspaper.
This will keep the coconut fiber from clogging the holes and falling into the drip tray.
Insert 1 tray and line the bottom with a layer of newspaper.
This will keep the coconut fiber from clogging the holes and falling into the drip tray.
Add 1 block of Coconut Fiber(moistened and absorbed as per instructions on label)
The worms can eat and live in the coconut fiber. Its great for starting your bin out and you can find it at any pet store and some Wal-Mart stores.
The worms can eat and live in the coconut fiber. Its great for starting your bin out and you can find it at any pet store and some Wal-Mart stores.
On top of the coconut fiber, add you worms! Leave the lid off while you wait for them to go down. The light encourages them to go into the substrate.(Red wigglers are great for worm bins! Its best to start out with at least 700 worms.)
Wait several minutes until all worms have gone down into the coconut fiber.
Once the worms disappear, add some veggie and fruit scraps.
Top it off with moist shredded newspaper, put the lid on and wait for the magic to happen! (:
It usually takes about 2 months until the first tray will be full and you will need to add a new tray. When you are ready for the new tray, scoop some of the castings, worms, and scraps from the first tray into the new one, and add some new scraps. When the worms are ready for new food, they will come up through the holes of the tray.
For Worm tea ("liquid Gold*) add 1 cup of worm castings into 1 gallon of water and let it set for a few minutes.
Use within a day or 2..
Use within a day or 2..